one serious biscuit lover….

Well, I’ve been away for a while. And for that I apologize. But I shouldn’t, as it wasn’t my fault. Okay. It was my fault.

I got the bright idea to enable the 2 step authentication in my blog. BIG MISTAKE. No codes worked. I was locked out.

Imagine my surprise/astonishment/mind-numbing thrill followed by dispair when I noticed the little ticker on the side that says… “Follow this blog along with 3,131 others”.

Say what now?

Not sure if you’re all indeed out there. If you are (me, clearing my throat), hello? If not, that’s okay. I’m used to a few loyal fellow bloggers swinging by.

So, anyways, I begged wordpress to give me a code and now I am back, happy to share snippets that mean almost next to nothing.

So. Here goes.

I made biscuits, and not-from-scratch kind, for dinner the other night. When I awoke next morning, there was but one, lonely little biscuit remaining. Perched upon said biscuit was this note….





That is one serious biscuit lover. And yes, no one dared touch it.

So. What’s up?


My cammo dog

Just a quick note from the little noodle. Wanting to say Happy New Year to all of you. I’m so glad to wipe my hands of 2013. It was a year to forget.

Now, enough grumbling about 2013. Onto the weather. As in it’s cold. Little noodle’s don’t like being cold.

The mantra around my house is: “I wish I were the President so I could be in Hawaii.” How sad is that? I feel like that kid in the Christmas Story, packed into his snowsuit, wearing so many layers he can’t put his arms down. I need a reality check.

So, please tell me, and be honest now…


  How much plaid is too much?

Happy  2014 fellow wordpressians. Blessing of peace and joy to all of you.


reinventing the little noodle…

Hello all-

Well, after a summer taken straight from hell, I’m back. Trying to pick up the scattered and destroyed remnants of Sue and create a new definition with all those pieces. It’s a long road. I’m not there yet.

I’ve been writing. A little. Trying to honor the grieving process and ease back into it. Sometimes the words flow. Sometimes they don’t. Seems you should know is no more. In the crazy crush of the summer, I let my domain name expire and some German blogger snapped it up. Who knew?

I’ve been nurturing my two lovely daughters. Trying to help them make sense of something that caught us all by surprise. Sometimes we snuggle. Sometimes we split up into the far corners of the house. Mostly, we miss her.

It’s fall here, although with the current wind and rain, the color’s more on the ground than on the trees. It’s dark earlier, too. Perhaps that’s okay. Maybe, this year, I’m ready to nest and let all my expectations leave along with the geese that are heading out of town…

Just thought I’d share a few pics from this past week and send along a heartfelt hello to all of you amazing fellow bloggers.

Cheers to you-


aka The Little Noodle


